Here is your R&D for September 14th:

Cuba to cut 500,000 from state payroll from the Financial Times of London
In a sign that the Cuban economy is changing, the country’s trade union federation announced Monday that more than a million state employees are going to lose their jobs.  It constitutes the biggest shift to private enterprise since 1968.

Is Delaware the key to the Senate majority? (And four other storylines to watch in the Sept. 14 primaries) from the Washington Post
Today is primary day in seven states (Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin).  The race that has the most attention is the Republican Senate primary where Representative Mike Castle, who has led most of the way, is now in a dead heat with tea party candidate Christine O’Donnell.  An O’Donnell victory would give the Democrats new life in a race that they might lose if Castle is the nominee in November.

Bush tax cuts 101: What changes could be in store for taxpayers? from the Christian Science Monitor
Don’t quite understand the debate about the Bush tax cuts?  This article from the Christian Science Monitor clarifies a lot of issues.

In Kenya, Land Reform Worries Both Rich and Poor from Time Magazine
The availability of land is one of the most contentious issues in Kenya and were at the root of 2007 election violence.  Kenyans worry that their current government will not implement required land reforms policies fairly.

Japan PM Naoto Kan survives leadership challenge from the BBC
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan survived a leadership challenge from DPJ elder Ichiro Ozawa by a 721-491 margin.  This BBC article provides a quick summary of the contest.