Here is your R&D for October 12th:

Democrats Aim to Curb GOP Donors from the Wall Street Journal
Democrats are stepping up their attacks on the campaign spending of pro-Republican groups, hoping that they can force disclosure of donor’s indentities and curtail GOP financing.  Democrats have asked the Department of Justice and the IRS to look into Republican groups and their spending, but it may only antagonize the GOP base and hurt the Democrats this November.

Kyrgyzstan elections signal unease with parliamentary rule from the Christian Science Monitor
International observers have called Kyrgyzstan’s parliamentary election a success, but voters have signaled that they may not like reforms that have been implemented to prevent a return to one-man rule.

Clinton is sitting this one out from the Associated Press
One figure that has been absent from the midterm campaign season is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Clinton is spending the weeks before the election in Europe and Asia and could be distancing herself from the political sphere so she is not impacted by the Democrats showing at the polls in a few weeks.

Vice Premier: No chance of peace with Palestinians in near future from Haaretz
Israeli Vice Prime Minister and Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya’alon says that there is no chance of a peace deal with Palestinians in the near future because the Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

Zimbabwe’s Govt Needs U.S.$700 Million to Revive Health Sector from the Standard (courtesy of AllAfrica)
Zimbabwe’s Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe recently announced that the country needs $700 million over the next three years to repair the nation’s healthcare system.  Albeit short, this article gives a snapshot of how health standards have deteriorated in Zimbabwe under President Robert Mugabe’s rule.