Here is your R&D for February 7th:

The Other Egyptian Nobelist in the Political Fray from Time
Mohamed El-Baradei isn’t the only Nobel Prize winner that Egyptian political observers should be watching.  1999 Chemisty Nobel Prize winner Ahmed Zewail, who is a professor at the California Institute of Technology, has also played a role in some of the latest political developments in Egypt.  As an interesting sidenote, Zewail is the father of Nabeel Zewail, who is currently second in the Extemp Central National Points Race.

Is Barbour’s Southern Handicap Overstated? from RealClearPolitics
Mississipi Governor Haley Barbour is considering a run for the presidency in 2012.  Observers believe that his southern roots would hurt him in the GOP primary and general election, but is that really the case?

Laid-back David Cameron should tighten his grip from the UK Telegraph
As Britain experiences stagflation and a reduced international reputation, British Prime Minister David Cameron is taking criticism for a lax and slow management style.

Julian Assange case puts extradition procedures in spotlight from the Guardian
Julian Assange is trying to prevent Sweden’s extradition request.  The case has placed the European Arrest Warrant under scrutiny.

Conservative Democrats switch to GOP across the Deep South from the Los Angeles Times
Conservative Democrats are beginning to leave the Democratic Party in Southern states after seeing some of their allies lose in the last election cycle.  The move is a small defeat for Howard Dean’s “fifty state strategy” when he was the head of the DNC.