Here is your R&D for March 22nd:

Egypt’s Referendum: Nervous Steps Forward from the Council on Foreign Relations
Egyptian voters approved several constitutional amendments in a national referendum over the weekend and paved the way for free elections later this year.  Experts worry, though, that liberal forces may not have enough time to organize their campaigns and that extremist forces could take over the government.

McCaskill says she owes nearly $300,000 in back taxes on airplane from the Miami Herald
Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, who faces re-election in 2012, admitted yesterday that she owes almost $300,000 in back taxes on a private airplane.  The incident could haunt McCaskill’s re-election campaign, as Republicans portray the incident as a perfect example of government excess.

America’s Descent Into Strategic Dementia from the Jerusalem Post (courtesy of RealClearPolitics)
America’s intervention in the Libyan civil war demonstrates that American foreign policy is in a tough position and that President Obama’s approach and the neoconservative position are endangering American strategic goals in the region.

Hamid Karzai names areas to be handed to Afghan forces from the BBC
Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced which seven areas of the country will pass from NATO to Afghan control in July.  Most of the provinces are peaceful, but Laskhar Gah, the capital of Helmand, is also on the list.

Pawlenty establishes presidential exploratory committee from the Pioneer Press
Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty announced the establishment of a presidential exploratory committee yesterday, enabling him to start raising money and organizing a campaign team.  Pawlenty said that he will make the decision about whether to run for president this spring.