Here is your R&D for August 19th:

General Motors Files for an Initial Public Offering from the New York Times
General Motors has filed for an initial public offering (IPO) so that it can repay taxpayers for the bailout that the company received last year.  The IPO should reduce the government’s ownership of GM but is GM acting too soon?

100 facts about the coalition’s first 100 days from the Guardian
Great Britain’s governing coalition has been in power for 100 days.  This article provides a valuable summary of budget cuts the coalition has made, its top ten quotes, foreign policy iniatives, surprises, and more.

Chad:  Beyond Superficial Stability from the International Crisis Group
Chad has in a perpetual state of crisis for over the last five years.  With elections approaching, Chad has the opportunity to reestablish democracy and shore up its internal stability.  Will it accomplish this?  This International Crisis Group report breaks down the issue.  (Make sure to print the report!)

Last U.S. combat convoy has left Iraq from CNN
After being on the political radar screen for seven years, U.S. forces are gradually drawing down their presence in Iraq.  The departure of this last combat brigade brings the number of U.S. troops in the country down to 56,000.

Americans Divided About Future Gulf Drilling from Gallup
The capping of BP’s oil well has reignited a debate over whether the Obama administration’s moratorium on offshore oil drilling should remain in effect.  Since extempers will run into questions about this issue during the year, having recent public polling data on the matter doesn’t hurt.
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