Here is your R&D for February 10th:

GOP cuts deep as right revolts from Politico
In an effort to appease the Tea Party, House Republicans proposed tens of billions of dollars in spending cuts yesterday, but the cuts have come under fire as hurting minorities and the poor.

Egypt Foreign Minister Warns of Military Intervention from the New York Times
As the Egyptian protests entered their seventeenth day, the country’s foreign minister warned that if the situation becomes more chaotic that the army will intervene.

Shaky Restart to Inter-Korean Talks from the Council on Foreign Relations
Recent talks between North and South Korea appear to be going nowhere, as North Korea continues to accept responsibility for the sinking of the Cheonan and shelling of Yeonpyeong Island.

Government workers don’t need unions from the Economist
In this piece, the Economist evaluates whether public employees should be able to join unions.

Cameron’s scapegoating will have a chilling, toxic impact from the Guardian
Some in Britain fear that British Prime Minister David Cameron is making a mistake by blaming Islamists and multiculturalism for attacks on Britain instead of Britain’s involvement in the Middle East.  These people believe that it may fan violence against British Muslims.