Here is your R&D for February 9th:

Republican-led House fails to pass short-term extension of Patriot Act from the Los Angeles Times
In what is seen as the first setback for the House Republican leadership and potentially the first revolt of the Tea Party, the House rejected a short-term extension of the USA Patriot Act yesterday.  Republican leaders sought a vote that would require two thirds approval so that amendments could not be added, but they fell six votes short.  Twenty-six Republicans voted against the measure.

No room at table for Muslim Brotherhood from the Boston Globe
Should the Muslim Brotherhood be able to sit at the negotiating table to fashion Egypt’s new political course?  According to the Boston Globe, no they should not because they are using liberty and justice to abolish liberty and justice within Egypt.

Armenia and Azerbaijan:  Preventing War from the International Crisis Group
Armenia and Azerbaijan have had border tensions for over a decade and international observers worry abut an arms race between both countries.  Read the full report (by clicking on “full pdf report” on the side of the webpage) from the International Crisis Group to get a better handle on the situation.

Prosecutors Seek Immediate Trial in Berlusconi Sex Case from the New York Times
Milan prosecutors are seeking to try Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on criminal charges concerning prostitution and abuse of office.  For his part, Berlusconi pledges to cling to power.

Unemployment looms over Obama from Politico
President Obama and his advisers are well aware that unemployment could hinder his re-election campaign.  Although the unemployment rate saw a dramatic drop this month, analysts say that the economy is not creating enough jobs and the drop was due to employees becoming too discouraged to look for work.