Here is your R&D for October 28th:

Indonesia Disaster Survivors Get Aid as Planes, Vessels Arrive from Business Week
Food and supplies are being sent to survivors of Indonesia’s latest tsunami, which hit Sumatra on October 25th.  The tsunami was triggered by a volcanic eruption on a nearby island.  To date, the tsunami has killed 311 people and 378 others are missing.

China’s global responsibility growing from the Korean Times
This op-ed from the Korean Times argues that wealth will not make China a global superpower or even a respected international player.  Instead, it argues that China can only gain these things by not abusing its economic resources and respecting international institutions.

Alaska Supreme Court reverses ban on write-in candidate lists from the Los Angeles  Times
Alaska’s Supreme Court has ruled that the state Division of Elections can provide the write-in candidate lists to voters who need help at the polls.  The ruling is expected to benefit the state’s current Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski.

Entire police force in Los Ramones, Mexico quits after gunmen attack headquarters from the New York Daily News
In a good example of how well equipped drug cartels are in Mexico, the entire police force of Los Ramones, a rural town in northern Mexico, quit after a cartel fired over 1,000 bullets and threw six grenades at their headquarters.

Assault on activist at Rand Paul event still under investigation from the Miami Herald
Am assault on a activist who tried to charge Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul before his last debate with Attorney General Jack Conway is still under investigation by Lexington police.