Here is your R&D for March 18th:

Issue Guide: Japan’s Triple Crisis from the Council on Foreign Relations
This analysis brief concerning the Japanese earthquake provides tons of links for extempers who are looking to build their files on the disaster.  Links are provided for articles that give an overview of the situation, the nuclear crisis, and energy and economic impact of the disaster.

U.N. okays military action on Libya from Reuters
Yesterday afternoon the United Nations Security Council, by a vote of 10-0, authorized a no-fly zone over Libya and authorized the use of force to protect civilians from forces loyal to Moammar Gaddafi.  Gaddafi has threatened to retaliate by targeting traffic in the Mediterranean.

Justice Dept Finds Abuses In New Orleans Police Department from the Wall Street Journal
After conducting a ten month investigation, the Justice Department has concluded that New Orleans police have used excessive force and racially biased enforcement tactics.  The investigation is the third of the New Orleans Police Department in three decades.

Japanese official admits disaster response was lacking from the Los Angeles Times
As frustration mounts among the Japanese at the response of their government to disaster stricken ares, the country’s top government spokesperson admitted that the scale of the disaster was not anticipated in government disaster planning.

Pakistan: Calls for revenge after US drones kill 40 from the BBC
The use of drone strikes against suspected militants has damaged America’s relationship with Pakistan.  The latest strike killed 40 people, many of which were tribal elders and police.