Here is your R&D for November 15th:

Lame duck preview: The last hurrah for a Democratic Congress from the Washington Independent
This is a fantastic article that breaks down the major issues and party dynamics facing the lame duck session of Congress.

Bernanke’s worst nightmare: Ron Paul from CNN
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is likely losing sleep now that his harshest critic, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, will take charge of the House Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy in January.

Arab League ‘likely to reject 90-day settlement freeze plan’ from Haaretz
Arab League officials announced today that it is likely that they will not support renewed Middle East peace talks if Israel suspended settlement construction in the West Bank for three months.  The Arab League contends that a settlement freeze must include Jerusalem.

Nicaragua to Keep Troops in Disputed Border Area from the Latin American Herald Tribune
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said he will consider withdrawing his nation from the Organization of American States (OAS) after the body asked him to move troops out of a zone that is disputed with Costa Rica.

Sarkozy’s rightwing reshuffle kicks off 2012 campaign from the Guardian
French President Nicolas Sarkozy reshuffled his cabinet over the weekend in an attempt to win over conservative voters ahead of the nation’s 2012 presidential election.

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