Here is your R&D for March 17th:

Merkel aims to speed Germany’s nuclear energy exit from Reuters
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has been a strong proponent of nuclear power, but facing potential backlash over that issue in light of Japan’s problems, she is moving to accelerate her country’s move away from nuclear energy.

Meltdown 101: A brief glossary of nuclear terms from the Christian Science Monitor
Are you not sure what some of the terms mean when Japan’s nuclear crisis is being discussed?  If so, check out this article, which provides some definitions.  It can be helpful for a speech on the subject.

Rageless in Riyadh from Foreign Affairs
According to F. Gregory Gause III, a political sciencist at the University of Vermont, Saudi Arabia’s monarchy will continue to be a force of stability in the volatile Middle East and explains why it is different than other countries that are experiencing protests in the area.

Hundreds protest Clinton visit in Tunis from the Agence France Presse
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton encountered more protests in North Africa, as her visit to Tunisia was greeted the same way as her visit to Egypt earlier in the week.

Almost Half of U.S., Including New Jersey, Faces Flood Risk from Bloomberg
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, half of the United States faces a high flood risk this April.  This is the third consecutive year weather patterns have set up this way and could lead to billions of dollars in damage.