Here is your R&D for September 29th:

Friend says sacked Moscow mayor to file lawsuit from Reuters
Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov was sacked from his position by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.  Russian experts see this as part of a political game behind the scenes between Medvedev and former President Vladimir Putin to see who will be the leading candidate for the 2012 presidential elections.

Colombia: The Significance of the Killing of FARC Leader “Mono Jojoy” from the Colombia Journal (Courtesy of Upside Down World)
Left-leaning think tank Upside Down World presents a different perspective on Jorge Briceno, a FARC commander who was killed by Colombian forces on September 23rd.

Anti-outsourcing bill fails in Senate from the Washington Post
Yesterday, the U.S. Senate took up a new jobs bill that sought to punish companies that outsourced jobs overseas.  The bill was blocked when Republicans and four Democrats voted to block the bill from coming to the floor.

Shell’s Brazil Biofuel Venture Said to Threaten Indians from the Latin American Herald Tribune
Advocates for Brazil’s indigenous people argue that Royal Dutch Shell’s $12 billion ethanol project is taking land away from them.  Such projects have the potential to upset Brazil’s relations with indigenous groups, which have very low standards of living compared to the general population.

Taxing the Rich from RealClearPolitics
Right-leaning commentator John Stossel argues in this opinion-editorial that raising taxes on the rich is a bad idea.  Good fodder for a speech if you want to defend the extension of the Bush tax cuts.