Here is your R&D for January 4th:

Netanyahu slams Palestinians’ new ‘three no’s’ from the Jerusalem Post
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slammed the refusal of the Palestinian Authority to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, drop their demand for Palestinian refugees to return to Israel, and to security arrangements.  Netanyahu is also in the process of trying to prevent other Latin American nations from extending recognition to a Palestinian state along pre-1967 borders.

Obama Said to Consider William Daley for Top White House Post from Bloomberg
In news that has sent shockwaves through Capitol Hill, President Obama is said to be considering naming former Commerce Secretary William Daley to a top White House post. Daley is the brother of outgoing Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

Shaking the mountains from the Economist
This Economist article criticizes India’s response to problems in Kashmir, which the Economist believes will merely inflame tensions and create another conflict.

Obama signs health bill for Sept 11 responders from Reuters
President Obama signed a bill into law on Sunday that provides medical care for responders to the September 11th terrorist attacks.  Workers were sickened by toxic debris near the World Trade Center.

California swears in first female attorney general from the San Francisco Chronicle
Kamala Harris was sworn in as California’s first female and minority attorney general yesterday.  Harris promises to install new innovations in California’s criminal justice system.  She is also seen as a future political player by national Democrats.