Here is your R&D for October 8th:

Analysis: Jobs report is bad news for Democrats from the Associated Press
The last jobs report before the midterm elections is not good for President Obama or the Democratic Party.  The Labor Department reported that 95,000 jobs were lost and that unemployment is at 9.6%.

Jones to step down as national security adviser from the Washington Post
There’s more turnover in the Obama administration as National Security Adviser James L. Jones has resigned.  He will be replaced by Thomas E. Dinilon, who was a deputy to James.

The quest for growth from the Economist
The Economist argues that the world economy need structural reform if it is to achieve the robust growth it had prior to the economic downturn.

Barack Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat for political gain from the Guardian
In a sign of worsening relations, senior Pakistani diplomats have said that the latest U.S. terror alert about al-Qaeda was politically motivated and was not based on credible intelligence.

BofA halts foreclosures all 50 U.S. states from Reuters
Bank of America has decided to halt foreclosures across the U.S. pending a review of its foreclosure procedures.  Read a quick summary of the decision here.