Here is your R&D top five for August 2nd:

Raise My Taxes, Mr. President! from Newsweek
Columnist Fareed Zakaria argues that the country can’t afford the Bush tax cuts.

Corrupt or just clueless? You decide from the Chicago Tribune
Editorial columnist Clarence Page discusses recent Democratic corruption scandals on Capitol Hill.

The Palestinians, Alone from the New York Times
Efraim Karsh, a professor of Middle East and Mediterranean studies at King’s College discusses how Arabs are losing interest in the Palestinian question.

Terrorism row: David Cameron refuses to back down on Pakistan terrorism remarks from the UK Telegraph
British Prime Minister David Cameron is in hot water over comments about Pakistan’s commitment to the war on terrorism.

In Iowa Tour (Already), Republican Tests His Voice from the New York Times
Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is already testing support for a 2012 presidential bid in Iowa.