Here is your R&D for August 4th:

Obama, Bernanke out of ammo to boost jobs, growth from Reuters
According to this analysis piece, President Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke do not have any more tools at their disposal to combat America’s 9.2% unemployment rate.

Silvio Berlusconi fails to stem rising panic in financial markets from the Guardian
Italy was once regarded as Europe’s economic “sick man” and its economy is now under strain after yields on its government bonds have reached record levels.  Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s appeals to the financial community appear to have had no impact on the situation.

Worry Grows Over Delays in F.A.A. Pay from the New York Times
In a story that has the potential to become the next political hot topic, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is working under a partial shutdown as Congress is logjammed over a delay in restoring federal funds for airport construction projects.

David Wu resigns from House amid scandal from the Hill
Congressman David Wu of Oregon, who was mired in a sex scandal last month, officially resigned yesterday.  Wu is the second Democratic Congressman that has been forced to step down because of a sex scandal this year.

Huntsman camp again misspells candidate’s name from the Los Angeles Times
In an embarassing quip that is symbolic of the poor manner in which Jon Huntsman’s presidential campaign has been run thus far, the candidate’s campaign team misspelled his name in a mailer that was sent to New Hampshire voters.