Here is your R&D for November 5th:

Obama’s India trip stirs fears in Pakistan about power balance from the Washington Post
President Obama’s three day trip to India, which starts this weekend, has antagonized Pakistan. Pakistan, India’s major opponent in the region, is not getting a visit from Obama and it worries that the Obama administration is unwilling to help resolve issues it has with India over Kashmir.

Burmese Election Holds Little Hope for Democracy from Der Spiegel
Myanmar (Burma) holds its first democratic elections in more than 20 years on Sunday, but the international community does not believe that they will be fair and that the nation’s junta will further consolidate its power.

Bridgeport mayor: Democrat for Conn. gov wins city from the Associated Press
The mess that is Connecticut’s gubernatorial race seems closer to a conclusion after the announcement this morning that Democratic candidate Dan Malloy won the city of Bridgeport, whose votes had not been fully counted, by over 13,000 votes. This margin appears to give Malloy more than a 5,000 vote advantage statewide against Republican challenger Tom Foley.

Spain’s Recovery Stalls Amid Austerity Push from the Wall Street Journal
Spain’s economic recovery stalled in the third quarter after the government installed austerity measures to curb the nation’sdebt problems. The Bank of Spain says that although the recovery stalled, they expect the economy to begin the slow process to recovery in future quarters.

Fed bond move spurs backlash from Asia to Europe from the Associated Press
The Federal Reserve’s move to pump $600 billion into the U.S. economy has been heavily criticized by the international community as nations fear that it will send money flooding into their markets, which could push up their exchange rates. Domestically, there are fears that the Fed’s actions could trigger inflation.