Here is your R&D for September 22nd:

Obama presidency ‘hobbled by discord’ according to book from the Guardian
Extempers might receive questions soon about Bob Woodward’s new book Obama’s Wars, which chronicles the way that President Obama has fought the war in Afghanistan.  This article summarizes the arguments made in the book and argues that it may hurt Democrats in the midterm elections.

Obama’s top economic adviser leaving from the Washington Post
Under fire because of the country’s economic problems, President Obama’s top economic advisor, Lawrence H. Summers, has announced that he will step down after the midterms and return to Harvard University.

Sudanese fear future as historic referendum looms from the Agence France Presse
By January 9th, Southern Sudan will vote on whether to become an independent nation.  The vote, taking place in sub-Sarahan Africa’s third largest oil producing nation, has citizens in the North and the South on edge and some experts fear a return to civil war.

Tight Budgets for Campaigns May Hinder Republicans from the New York Times
How important is money in politics?  The GOP may find out soon enough as they enter the final six weeks of the midterm elections at a severe financial disadvantage with Democrats.  This disadvantage may limit the amount of gains the GOP can make this November.

Lula da Silva again furious with the press for exposing government corruption from MercoPress
In yet another example of government hostility toward independent media outlets in Latin America, Brazilian President Lula da Silva critized his country’s media yesterday for inventing news and poisoning public opinion.