Here is your R&D for March 2nd:

Protests grow in Ohio as vote on union rights nears from the Washington Post
Wisconsin isn’t the only state with union issues, as Ohio is seeking to curtail the bargaining power of public employees.  Thousands of union supporters protested the move at the Ohio Statehouse yesterday.

Murder of Christian lawmaker: Can Pakistan check Islamic extremism from the Christian Science Monitor
The murder of Shahbza Bhatti, Pakistan’s minority affairs minister who was Christian, is the second major government official to be assassinated after publicly opposing the country’s blasphemy laws.  The international community is growing concerned that the Pakistani government isn’t doing enough to protect minorities.

German-Irish brinkmanship raises EMU stakes from the UK Telegraph
Is EU headed for another debt crisis?  Experts say that it could happen if German voters continue to oppose bailouts for member states and if Eurosceptics continue to make gains across the continent.

Nations aid Libyan exodus as UN warns of backlash from the Associated Press
The political crisis in Libya has created a refugee crisis along the country’s borders with Tunisia and Egypt.  There are an estimated 140,000 refugees currently pouring over these borders and Britain, France, and the group of 57 Islamic nations are trying to assist in refugee operations in the area.

Congress Set to Adopt Bill to Avert Government Shutdown from Business Week
Talk of a government shutdown is premature as Congress is set to approve a stopgap budget bill that will fund the government for two more weeks, until March 18th.  The bill cuts $4 billion in spending.