Here is your R&D for September 30th:

Pakistan Halts NATO Supplies to Afghanistan After Attack from the New York Times
After a NATO cross-border attack on a Pakistani security post, Pakistan has closed the most important border crossing that supplies NATO troops in Afghanistan.  The move signals a worsening military relationship between Pakistan and the UNited States.

McDonald’s May Drop Health Plan from the Wall Street Journal
As a consequence of President Obama’s healthcare reform bill, McDonald’s Corporation announced yesterday that it may drop its health insurance plan unless federal regulators allow it to waive requirements of the new law.  The move could impact 30,000 workers nationwide.

EU to Launch Legal Action Against France from Der Spiegel
The European Commission has launched legal action against France over its expulsion of Roma migrants.  The EU alleges that France is violating EU rules on freedom of movement.

Times Square plotter planned to attack again, prosecutors say from CNN
Prosecutor allege that Fasial Shahzad, the engineer of a failed car bombing in Times Square earlier in the year, intended to set off another bomb if he wasn’t caught.

Chávez, on the Ropes from the New Republic
Has Venezuela’s political oppositon finally learned its lesson after all these years of being in the political wilderness?  This article says that it has and that presents a major problem for President Hugo Chavez.