Here is your R&D for September 7th:

Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church’s Plan to Burn Qurans from the Wall Street Journal
Plans by a Florida church to burn copies of the Quran on the anniversary of September 11th has outraged Muslims in Afghanistan.  David Patreus, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan warns that this could hamper U.S. efforts in the region.

Julia Gillard to lead Australian minority government from the Guardian
It’s official:  Australia will have its first minority government in almost 70 years after Prime Minister Julia Gillard won the support of two independent MP’s.  This makes her the country’s first elected female prime minister.

CNN Poll: GOP can handle budget slightly better than Democrats from CNN
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey shows that 46% of Americans believe the Republicans would do a better job with the economy versus 43% who support the Democrats.  The poll doesn’t give a lot of hope to Democrats, who only lead the GOP on Social Security and healthcare.

Should the Bush tax cuts be extended? from the Economist
How do economists feel about extending the Bush tax cuts?  Get various opinions in this roundtable discussion courtesy of the Economist.

Brazil extends sovereignty over undersea continental shelf from MercoPress
In this really short news piece, read about Brazil’s new naval order that expands the offshore area where drilling for oil and conducting mineral prospecting requires government approval.