Here is your R&D for February 8th:

Obama says businesses must hire, invest to grow economy from the Washington Post
President Obama addressed one of his harshest detractors, the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday and urged them to hire workers and invest in the economy.  President Obama also emphasized how companies need to share profits with their workers.

Palestinians to hold local elections July 9 from the Associated Press
The Palestinian Authority announced today that local elections will take place in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on July 9th.  However, Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, rejected the announcement.

‘New’ Eta political wing rejects violence from the Guardian
The ETA, a Basque terrorist group, has launched a new political party and has announced that it does not approve of the use of violence against the Spanish state.  The ETA hopes that the Spanish government will legalize the party and that it can stand for local elections in May.

Rumsfeld’s ‘Slice of History’ from the Wall Street Journal
Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wasn’t a favorite of liberals or the press in Washington D.C. during his tenure.  However, with the publication of his memoir Known and Unknown, he tries to set the record straight on Iraq and other policy matters.

Military Holds Key to Egypt’s Future from the Council on Foreign Relations
Although all of the eyes of the world are fixed on Hosni Mubarak and the protesters who oppose him, Bruce K. Rutherford, Associate Professor of Political Science at Colgate University, tells the Council on Foreign Relations that the military is the body that really holds the key to what path Egypt will take over the next few months.