Here is your R&D for February 16th:

Obama describes ‘tough choices’ in budget proposal from the Boston Globe
President Obama defended his latest budget proposal by arguing that tough choices needed to be made.  However, President Obama did not take a stance on entitlement programs, which constitute a large percentage of America’s discretionary spending.

Indonesia’s Political Landscape Offers Path for Egypt from the New York Times
The New York Times speculates that Egypt might want to look at how Indonesia created its democracy after overthrowing the Suharto government in 1998.

Inflated fears from the Economist
Is inflation in China  global problem?  According to the Economist, inflation it is not, but China’s leadership should worry about how it may impact domestic stability.

Rick Scott rejects money for Orlando-Tampa high-speed rail from the Los Angeles Times
Florida Governor Rick Scott announced today that he is rejecting $2.4 billion in federal stimulus money that was earmarked for a high-speed rail system between Orlando and Tampa Bay.  Scott has justified the rejection by saying that if Florida had accepted the funds that it would have had to pay $280 million for the project.

Anti-government protests spread to Libya from the Associated Press
The mass protests that have broken out across the Middle East and North Africa have arrived in Libya, as hundreds of Libyans protested against the government today.  Protesters are angry at the corruption of Moammar Gadhafi’s regime.