Here is your R&D for October 25th:

Key Tax Breaks at Risk as Panel Looks at Cuts from the Wall Street Journal
President Obama’s deficit commission is looking at eliminating tax deducation on mortgage interest and child tax credits in its quest to create a plan that will balance the federal budget by 2015.  The deficit commission is part of President Obama’s plan to move to the center prior to the 2012 elections.

Iraq war logs: US turned over captives to Iraqi torture squads from the Guardian
Liberal Democratic Leader Nick Clegg has called for an investigation into reports that U.S. forces turned Iraqi detainees over to torture squads.  The move comes after Wikileaks released thousands of classified documents on its website over the weekend.

Obama’s Playbook After Nov. 2 from the New York Times
What might President Obama do after the November midterm elections?  This article from the New York Times lays out what his future plans may be, especially when it comes to working with Republican leaders.

Clash of the East Asian Titans from Foreign Policy in Focus
According to Foreign Policy in Focus there are two factors behind the downturn in Chinese-Japanese relations:  rising nationalism on both sides and persistent U.S. militarism.

Big Labor’s Big Mistake in the 2010 Elections from U.S. News & World Report
This short piece outlines how organized labor has made a big mistake in the 2010 midterms by spending more money than pro-business groups.  This has undermined President Obama’s message that the flow of money coming in from right-wing groups is dangerous for the political system.