Here is your R&D for June 6th:

U.S. Innovation and Economic Recovery from the Council on Foreign Relations
How can the U.S. escape its economic malaise?  Four experts describe policy options in this expert roundup from the Council on Foreign Relations.

Wal-Mart Tops U.S. High Court Agenda as Violent Video Game Ruling Looms from Bloomberg
This article summarizes major cases that the Supreme Court will rule on during the next four weeks.  It might be of use to extempers who are in United States Extemp at NFL Nationals next week.

Peru presidential victor Humala faces balancing act from the Christian Science Monitor
Ollanta Humala narrowly defeated Keiko Fujimori to win the Peruvian presidency yesterday.  Humala campaigned as a Hugo Chavez-type candidate, but his narrow victory, as well as Peru’s strong economic growth, may cause him to govern more moderately.

Rick Santorum formally joins GOP presidential field from the Los Angeles Times
Former Senator Rick Santorum announced today that he is a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.  Santorum is one of the more socially conservative candidates in the GOP field.

W.Bank to suggest CO2 levy on jet, shipping fuel from Reuters
In an effort to fight climate change, the World Bank is poised to suggest to the G20 that a global tax be placed on jet and shipping fuel.  While the EU plans to adopt such a levy, its adoption by other G20 members is uncertain.