Here is your R&D for March 16th:

CIA spy charged with murder in Pakistan is freed from the Guardian
Raymond Davis, a CIA spy in Pakistan who was accused of murdering two Pakistani men, was freed after the families of the two men dropped charges in exchange for financial compensation.  Davis was freed under a “blood money” provision of Pakistani law.

Miami-Dade County recalls mayor from the Philadelphia Inquirer
Miami-Dade County residents expressed their anger at high properly taxes by recalling Mayor Carlos Alvarez yesterday.  Based on current data, 88% of residents voted in favor of the recall measure.

We Will Need Honesty to Solve Debt Problem from RealClearPolitics
In this piece, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), discusses the need to be honest when discussing the country’s fiscal woes.  Coburn is one of the most vocal deficit hawks in Washington.

Food prices surge; housing starts plunge from USA Today
The Labor Department reported today that food prices soared 3.9% last month, which is the largest gain since November 1974.  Energy prices rose 3.3% last month as well.

Young Leaders of Egypt’s Revolt Snub Clinton in Cairo from ABC News
In a signal that might suggest the U.S. will find it hard to get along with Egypt’s new government, a coalition of six youth groups refused to meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday.