Here is your R&D for November 17th:

Thousands of Sudanese register to vote in secession referendum from the Los Angeles Times
Thousands of people in southern Sudan registered to vote for a referendum that could split the country in two in January.  The registration process is expected to last two weeks.

Russian Arms Pact Faces New Obstacle from the Wall Street Journal
Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl of Arizona announced his opposition to a vote on the new START accord with Russia because of concerns that the cuts to America’s nuclear stockpile endanger national security.  Kyl wants more money to modernize the nuclear arsenal that America will be left with after the treaty is ratified.

TSA chief likely to face lawmakers’ questions on pat-downs, body scans from CNN
The controversy over the TSA’s screening practices continues as TSA chief John Pistole will testify before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.  Critics say that the use of full body scanners and pat downs is an invasion of privacy and that it is a waste of precious resources.

Dublin says aid package might be needed from the Financial Times
Brian Lenihan, Ireland’s finance minister, announced today that his nation has sought assistance from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund because the euro was under attack.  However, Ireland has not made a formal application for aid at this time.

Fearing ugly exit, GOP officials trying to quietly remove Steele from the Hill
Republican leaders want Michael Steele removed as chairman of the Republican National Committee.  Will they succeed?

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