Here is your R&D for August 11th:

Republicans fend off Dem challenge to tough anti-union rules from USA Today
Democrats fell one seat short of regaining the Wisconsin State Senate in a series of recall elections on Tuesday.  Four of six Republicans that were up for recalls survived.  Two Democrats face recall elections next week.

With Return to Iowa, Romney Heeds Call of G.O.P. Strategists from the New York Times
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has been cautious about returning to Iowa, where he suffered a severe setback in the 2008 GOP presidential primary election.  However, he has decided to return to the state after Rick Perry’s potential candidacy is gaining momentum.

Georgia-Russia: Learn to Live like Neighbours from the International Crisis Group
On the third anniversary of a war between Georgia and Russia, both nations are facing increasing tensions.  The International Crisis Group recommends in this briefing that both countries need to have talks to improve regional security.

U.S. Adds Sanctions on Syria; U.N. Meets from the Wall Street Journal
In response to the continuing violence in Syria, the United States has widened sanctions on the country.  The sanctions aim to weaken the Syrian government’s financial network.

News Corp. board backs Murdoch after hacking scandal from the Agence France Presse
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch received the backing of the News Corporation board yesterday, which he considers a big victory in light of a hacking scandal that has brought scrutiny upon his media empire.