Here is your R&D for October 1st:

Rahm Emanuel leaving, Pete Rouse in on Friday from Politico
President Obama is expected to announce today that Rahm Emanuel will leave the White House to run for mayor of Chicago and that senior adviser Pete Rouse will become his new chief of staff.  Rouse was Obama’s chief of staff when he was in the Senate.

Ecuadorean soldiers rescue besieged president from the Guardian
Ecuadorean soldiers stormed a hospital today and rescued President Rafael Correa after police mutinied over austerity measures and prevented him from returning to the presidential palace.

The red ink war from the Economist
Spending and taxes will play a large role in the 2010 midterms.  This article from the Economist breaks down the debate over both issues and how it may impact America’s economy.

Another War in Lebanon? Not Likely from Foreign Policy in Focus
Although some Middle East observers have warned for much of the year that Israel and Lebanon are likely to rekindle their 2006 war, this piece argues that such warnings are incorrect because of political and security concerns in the region.

Taiwanese cool to China’s overtures from the Asia Times
China continues to make political and economic overtures to Taiwan.  However, the island’s population does not find China trustworthy, which may impede China’s plans to work for reunification through peaceful means.