Here is your R&D for October 19th:

Russia to Build A Nuclear Power Plant in Venezuela from the Latin American Herald Tribune
In a move that alarms U.S. diplomats and nuclear non-proliferation experts, Russia signed an agreement with Venezuela last Friday to build the nation’s first nuclear power plant.

France’s Sarkozy: We’ll crack down on protests from the Associated Press
Facing protests against his pension reform package, French President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged to crack down on violent protesters today.  Protests have created a fuel shortage and created problems for air travelers.

The Road to Negotiations in Afghanistan from the Council on Foreign Relations
In this interview, Max Boot, the Council on Foreign Relations Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, discusses the need for military pressure on the Taliban if negotiations are to become viable.

Bank of America ends freeze on foreclosures in 23 states from the Los Angeles Times
Bank of America has ended its twenty-four day freeze on foreclosures in 23 states.  102,000 homes will be impacted by the move.  Bank of America will continue to review its foreclosure procedures in the 27 states not impacted by this move.

Multicultural mistakes from the UK Telegraph
In this op-ed, the UK Telegraph argues that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s contention that multiculturalism has failed is correct and that failing to recognize this only strengthens extremist elements in European society.