Here is your R&D for August 25th:

Russia admits crop loss of 38%; self sufficient in 2010 but no reserves for 2011 from MercoPress
Russia’s drought has caused the world’s third largest wheat exporter to drain its reserves.  A great impact article for the recent environmental disasters plaguing Russia.

Worries about US recovery deepen from the Financial Times
Analysts are worried about the state of America’s economy.  This article breaks down those anxieties and how Asia and Europe are coping with the global economic downturn.

What Scott Brown’s Win Tells Us About November from Real Clear Politics
In this interesting piece, Sean Trende uses the methodology he used to forecast Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts and boldly predicts that the GOP could pick up 12 Senate seats this fall if the qualities of the candidates are not weighed against each other.

Is a Mosque Near Ground Zero A Bad Idea? from the Council on Foreign Relations
Need a diverse set of opinions about the mosque at Ground Zero?  This CFR piece brings five “experts” on the issue together in a lively discussion of the project and its foreign policy implications.

Carter linked to Pyongyang mission from the Asia Times
Former President Jimmy Carter is traveling to North Korea in order to retrieve Aijalon Mahli Gomes, who has been imprisoned there since January.  The impact of Carter’s visit and what North Korea might gain from it are discussed in this article.

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