Here is your R&D for May 30th:

Greece set for severe bail-out conditions from the Financial Times
European leaders are currently negotiating a deal that would allow international involvement in tax collection and privatize state assets in exchange for a new set of loans for the Greek government.  Segments of the Greek population has not favored auserity measures taken so far by the sitting government.

Thaksin from a distance from the Economist
Former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who currently resides abroad, is hopeful that his party can win a plurality of seats in parliamentary elections this summer, but some observers believe that the sitting government may prevent elections from going forward.

U.S. Military Personnel, Veterans Give Obama Lower Marks from Gallup
A new Gallup poll shows that Americans serving in the military and veterans have a low opinion of President Obama.  Their views of the president tend to be lower than others in their age group.

In Reversal, Germany to Close Nuclear Plants by 2022 from the New York Times
After suffering political setbacks because of the anti-nuclear movement, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that all nuclear power plants will be phased out by 2022.

Six GOP seats hit by new Illinois map from Politico
Democrats in Illinois have fashioned big gains for the party in the 2012 elections by drawing a map that would eliminate as many as six GOP House members.