Here is your R&D for May 17th:

South Africa election: Why some poor black voters may ditch the ANC this time from the Christian Science Monitor
Economic problems are causing some black South Africans to reconsider their political ties to the African National Congress (ANC) and that could cause the ANC to lose some municipal elections tomorrow.

Here comes your non-violent resistance from the Economist
If the Palestinians adopt more peaceful tactics to resist Israel, will the U.S. support them?  That’s a question this article from the Economist seeks to answer.

IMF’s Crisis-Management Challenge from the Council on Foreign Relations
The arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on sexual assault charges may impair the IMF’s role in the European debt crisis and the global economic recovery and for that reason, it may be wise for Europeans to avoid putting one of their own in charge of the IMF if Strauss-Kahn resigns.

Queen’s visit to Ireland a sign of generational shift from the Daily Globe & Mail
Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Ireland was the first time that a British monarch has visited on state business since Ireland became independent in 1916.  It is a demonstration of how the status quo is changing between Britain and Ireland.

Who Benefits from Huckabee, Trump 2012 Announcements? from U.S. News & World Report
With Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump dropping out of the 2012 Republican presidential primary, which current candidate stands to benefit the most?