Here is your R&D for August 16th:

Zero Tolerance in the Fight against ETA from Der Spiegel
Spain’s fight against the ETA doesn’t get the coverage that it deserves from the U.S. press.  This article from Der Spiegel discusses the steps being taken in the Basque country and how it will impact national elections this November.

South Korea and U.S. Begin War Games from the New York Times
The United States and South Korea have begun war games drills off of the South Korean coast.  Both nations have ignored North Korea’s threats of retaliation.

China surpasses Japan as world’s No. 2 economy from the Washington Post
Japan’s economic slowdown has pushed it behind the United States and China on global economic tables.  Find out what’s wrong in the Japanese economy in this small news piece.

Is public opinion on gay marriage ahead of the Supreme Court’s? from the Los Angeles Times
Most analysts concede that the Supreme Court will soon decide a case on the constitutionality of gay marriage.  This opinion editorial by professor Michael Klarman of Harvard Law School is a plea to Justice Anthony Kennedy to vote with the Court’s four liberal members when that time comes.

Unauthorized Immigrants and Their U.S.-Born Children from the Pew Research Center
The issue of “anchor babies” has now entered the immigration debate and some politicians have called for a re-evaluation of the 14th Amendment, which defines U.S. citizenship.  This Pew poll evaluates births in the United States to illegal immigrants and how the public feels about re-evaluating the 14th Amendment.

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