Here is your R&D for December 1st:

States face $41 billion in budget gaps from CNN
It’s always good for extempers to have evidence in their files about the state of the state economies.  This article provides details of the fiscal problems facing states for the 2012 fiscal year.

Hamas would honor referendum on peace with Israel from Reuters
Hamas, the Islamic political and militant organization that opposes Israel’s existence, announced today that it would accept the outcome of a Palestinian referendum on a future peace treaty with the Jewish nation.

FCC chairman to propose plan for net neutrality from the Washington Post
Julis Genachowski, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), plans to announce his neutrality proposal today.  Net neutrality would not allowed Internet providers from favoring or discriminating against traffic that goes over their networks.

Egypt opposition threatens to boycott runoff from the Agence France Presse
Egypt’s political opposition, which includes Islamist and secular parties, threaten to pull out of the second round of Egypt’s parliamentary elections because of problems with the first round of voting.

Pentagon calls for repeal of ‘don’t ask’ from the Boston Globe
Defense Secretary Robert Gates urged Congress to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell” after a Pentagon survey showed that troops overwhelmingly believed that gay and lesbians serving openly in the military would not create serious problems.