Here is your R&D for September 10th:

Roma expulsions must stop now, MEPs tell France from the UK Telegraph
The European Parliament has requested that France stop its forced deportations of Roma back to their home nations.  Although parliament can’t force France to stop the deportations, it may be a precursor to stronger action that can be taken by the European Commission.

Amnesty International Criticizes Extension of U.S. Sanctions on Cuba from the Latin American Herald Tribune
Human rights watchdog Amnesty International has critized the Obama administration’s decision to extend U.S. economic sacntions against Cuba for another year.

Serbia backs compromise U.N. resolution on Kosovo from Reuters
The status of Kosovo remains a controversial issue in the international community.  Find out where things stand on Kosovo and how the European Union is impacting Serbian-Kosovo ties in this article.

Rahm Emanuel begins to test the waters from Politico
Will White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel be the next mayor of Chicago?  He’s reportedly testing the waters for a run after Mayor Richard Daley announced earlier in the week that he would not seek another term.

US pastor cancels burning of Koran after mosque ‘deal’ from the Irish Times
Pastor Terry Jones has called off his plan to burn copies of the Quran on the anniversary of September 11th after reportedly working out a compromise with Imam Muhammad Musri that will lead to the relocation of the planned mosque site two blocks from Ground Zero.  However, other sources say that there are no plans to relocate the mosque.