Here is your R&D for August 17th:

Why Development Aid for Africa Has Failed from Der Spiegel
Extempers are familiar with questions concerning the impact of foreign aid on Africa’s economy.  This is a good article for answering those questions, which will emerge in the 2010-2011 season.

US breast cancer drug decision ‘marks start of death panels’ from the UK Telegraph
The US Food and Drug Administration’s decision to remove an endorsemnt for Avastin, the world’s leading cancel drug, in treating breast cancer has come under fire.  Critics allege that its the first step in rationing care in the United States.

Protesters in Bolivia’s Potosi region end blockade from the BBC
Protestors in Bolivia’s Potosi province have been lifted their blockade of roads and the region’s airport.  The protest started because locals believe that President Evo Morales has not lived up to his campaign promises.

Some Democratic candidates distance themselves from Obama from the Washington Post
Are Democrats afraid to have President Obama campaign for them?  Obama’s impact on some 2010 midterm races is discussed in this article.

Unification tax proposal sparks debate from the Korea Herald
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has proposed a “unification tax” to fund the reunification for the two Koreas.  See the political impact this proposal has had in South Korea in this article.

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