Here is your R&D for December 20th:

The FCC’s Threat to Internet Freedom from the Wall Street Journal
In this op-ed piece, the Wall Street Journal describes the FCC’s push for net neutrality and why it is will hamper innovation and investment in Internet related ventures.

China warns of escalating arms race in Asia from the UK Telegraph
China has warned that an arms race is emerging in Asia because of Japan’s move to build a missile defense shield to protect it from North Korea.

Lukashenka uncovered from the Economist
Alyaksandr Lukashenka, Belarus’s sitting president, was re-elected in a flawed vote over the weekend.  This article gives you a summary of the flawed vote and how Lukashenka managed to retain power.

Peter King promises hearings on Muslim ‘radicalization’ from Politico
New York Republican Congressman Peter King, who will be the incoming chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, says that he plans to hold hears on radical Islam and homegrown terrorism next year.  New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Council on American-Islamic Relations have criticzed the move.

Dance, protests to mark 150 years since South Carolina left US from the Associated Press
The Sons of Confederate Veterans are holding a Secession Ball to celebrate the 150th anniversary of South Carolina’s decision to secede from the United States.  The NAACP is protesting hte ball, saying that it is a celebration of slavery and racism.