Here is your R&D for January 25th:

The battle to define Obama’s State of the Union address from Politico
President Obama’s third State of the Union address happens tonight and like all State of the Union speeches, it will likely be a pep rally for the president’s agenda.  Find out what President Obama will address in this article.

Suicide bomber kills 35 at Russia’s biggest airport from Reuters
Russia’s busiest airport suffered a suicide bomber attack yesterday.  35 were killed and over 150 people were injured.  Islamic militants are thought to be behind the attack.

NastyLeaks from Foreign Policy
The release of 1,600 internal Palestinian documents, which summarize peace negotiations with Israel over the last ten years, has been seen as an attack against Palestinian leadership and the Middle East peace process.  Experts believe that the Palestinian Authority may resist compromise in future negotiations, further hampering the chances for peace in the region.

Emanuel asks Illinois Supreme Court for emergency stay from the Chicago Tribune
In a shocking ruling yesterday, an Illinois appellate panel ruled that former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel does not meet the residency requirement to run for mayor of Chicago.  Emanuel has pledged to appeal the decision to the Illinois Supreme Court.

Post-State of Union Obama Approval Uptick Would Be Atypical from Gallup
Does the president usually receive a bump in their approval rating after the State of Union?  Not usually and as Gallup points out, it has only happened four times since 1978.