Here is your R&D for August 12th:

Postal Service proposes cutting 120,000 jobs, pulling out of health-care plan from the Washington Post
The U.S. Postal Service is proposing a plan that would slash its workforce by 20% and withdraw from federal health and retirement plans.  The USPS has lost $20 billion over the last four years.

Unmask the thugs! Looters will no longer be able to cover up, says PM as he also promises cash for the rioters’ victims AND a crackdown on social media from the UK Daily Mail
In response to the riots affecting London, British Prime Minister David Cameron said that if looters try to repeat their acts of violence this week they could have their social networks, mobile phones, and BlackBerrys turned off.

U.N. far short of dollars to deal with Africa famine from CNN
An estimated 600,000 children are on the brink of starvation in Somalia and the United Nations is desperately looking for donors to stave off more suffering.  The UN has only received 48% of the $2.5 billion it says is needed to deal with the crisis.

Elizabeth Warren hints at Massachusetts Senate run from the Los Angeles Times
Elizabeth Warren, a former Obama administration advisor, might be looking at a Senate run in 2012 against Scott Brown in Massachusetts.  Brown is the GOP’s most vulnerable incumbent, having been elected to serve out the rest of Ted Kennedy’s term two years ago.

Should Obama go on vacation while markets are so skittish? from the Christian Science Monitor
President Obama’s vacation plans are under attack again, this time by political observers who believe he is sending the wrong message when the Dow Jones Industrial Average continues to go down.