Here is your R&D for January 10th:

DeLay Sentenced to 3 Years in Money Laundering Case from the New York Times
The government’s length legal battle with former House majority leader Tom Delay has come to an end.  DeLay was found guilty late last year of money laundering and conspiracy and was sentenced today to three years in prison for those offenses.

EU envoys in ‘East Jerusalem call’ from Al Jazeera
A leaked report has revealed that EU envoys in the Middle East want the EU to treat East Jerusalem as the future capital of a Palestinian state.  The document has recommendations from the heads of 25 European missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah.  Predictably, Israel is not happy with the report.

Tucson shooting marks turning point for Sarah Palin from Politico
After the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s style of poliics has come under fire.  Her response will have significant impact on where her political career goes from here.

Justices reject appeals over body armor, unanimous verdicts, Obama from CNN
The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear cases in the next term concerning whether the federal government can ban felons from having bulletproof vests, whether a jury has to unanimously agree to convict someone of a felony, and a lawsuit that questioned President Obama’s citizenship.

In Nigeria, political excitement comes long before the general election from the Christian Science Monitor
This article provides some important status quo information about the upcoming Nigerian general election in April.  A good article for background information for a speech on this topic.