Here are your top five news stories/reports for November 4th:

Shades of Red: China’s Debate over North Korea from International Crisis Group
Note: This links to the summary page of this report, but it is highly recommended that extempers click on the .pdf link above the summary and download the full report. International Crisis group does an excellent job with these reports and they can greatly help you understand the history behind conflicts, what caused them, and provide solutions for what should be done.

 Contests serve as warning to Democrats: It’s not 2008 anymore from The Washington Post

White House Tally Appears to Overstate Stimulus Jobs by The Wall Street Journal

Karzai’s Moment of Opportunity from The Council on Foreign Relations (Interview with Zalmay Khalizad)

 Grassroots Tories’ fury at David Cameron over Lisbon Referendum from the Daily Telegraph (UK)