Here is your R&D for May 16th:

U.S. accuses Syria of inciting Israel border clashes from Haaretz
The White House accused Syria of inciting a deadly border clash between Israeli troops and Palestinian demonstrators and claimed that the Syrian government is trying to use the incident to distract from its domestic political problems.

Top warcrimes prosecutor seeks Kadhafi warrant from the Agence France Presse
Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the head prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, applied for a warrant for Moammar Gaddafi’s arrest and the arrest of one of his sons and the Libyan head of intelligence for crimes against humanity.  Some critics claim the move could strengthen Gaddafi’s resolve.

Is College Too Pricey To Pay Off? 57% of Americans Say Yes from Time
Over half of Americans now say that the cost of college does not match the value of the education that students receive.  However, 86% of Americans say college was a good investment for them.

Class divide in war for Jane Harman’s seat from Politico
Tuesday will be primary day for state races across the country and a primary for California’s 36th district could show which groups will have more influence in the Democratic Party heading into 2012.  In this race, a candidate with strong labor backing is facing off against a progressive candidate supported by environmentalists.

As Debt Limit Reached, Agreement Still Far Off from the Wall Street Journal
Today, the U.S. government is expected to hit the $14.294 trillion debt limit, but the White House and House Republicans are still far from an agreement to raise the debt ceiling.  Republicans want deep cuts to federal spending before agreeing to raise the debt ceiling.