Here is your R&D for February 15th:

U.S. tries to line up aid to help stabilize Egypt from the Los Angeles Times
U.S. officials are working with allies to create an aid package worth hundreds of milions of dollars for Egypt in order to assist in its political transition in the coming months.  Officials believe the aid will increase American influence in the area.

Iranian lawmakers condemn protests; call for execution of leaders from CNN
Iranian leaders condemned protests that happened yesterday in Tehran and have called for the execution of opposition leaders.  Iran denied foreign visas to journalists who wished to cover the protests.

The Misleading Metaphor of Decline from the Wall Street Journal (courtesy of RealClearWorld)
In this op-ed, Joseph Nye, professor at Harvard, argues that America’s decline is overstated by the global media and international actors.  According to Nye, America is likely to remain powerful for decades, although the number of powerful allies and adversaries is likely to increase.

Berlusconi to Face Trial in Underage Prostitution Case from the New York Times
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been ordered to stand trial in April on charges of underage prostitution and abuse of office.  Milan prosecutors are fast tracking the trial.  Despite his legal problems, Berlusconi’s center-right coalition is standing behind him.

On eve of Chicago election, a call to confront city’s legacy of corruption from the Christian Science Monitor
According to a new report by the University of Illinois at Chicago, the new mayor of Chicago could end the city’s corrupt reputation and save state taxpayers half a billion dollars.  Since 1970, 340 city officials have been convicted of corruption.