Here is your R&D for October 7th:

Is Chavez Following Iran Down the Radioactive Brick Road? from Foreign Policy in Focus
In this interesting article, Foreign Policy in Focus argues that Venezuela has been developing a nuclear program and that U.S. disarmament measures would do a great deal to stop global proliferation.

Ecuadorian president denies plan to dissolve parliament from Xinhua
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa denied reports that he is considering a dissolution of the country’s National Assembly after a police revolt last week.  If the National Assembly is dissolved, Correa would rule by decree until the next presidential election.

Time for U.S. to Get Real from the Asia Times
This article concludes a three-part report on U.S. sanctions against Iran.  It argues that the U.S. should look at other measures that might be more effective because the current sanction regime isn’t working.

Supreme Court appears inclined to rule against funeral protesters from the Los Angeles Times
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments yesterday in the case of Snyder v. Phelps.  The case centers on whether protests staged by the Phelps family from Topeka, Kansas at military funerals are protected by free speech.  Find out more about the case and oral arguments in this article.

U.S. Candor on Oil Spill is Attacked from the Houston Chronicle
Although the BP oil spill no longer occupies the headlines, a presidential panel says that the Obama administration’s response to the spill was misleading, sluggish, and overoptimistic.  The report seems to confirm public perceptions of the administration’s response to the disaster.