Here is your R&D for February 3rd:

Night of violence in Egypt leaves six dead from the Financial Times
The tense situation in Egypt has finally erupted into violence as pro and anti-Mubarak forces collided last night.  Six Egyptians were killed and more than 800 were injured.

Senate repeals part of health care law from Politico
Yesterday, the Senate voted 81-17 to repeal the healthcare reform law’s 1099 reporting requirement, which had been criticized by business groups.  However, the Senate voted along party lines, 47-51, against repealing the entire law.

Central Asia: Decay and Decline from the International Crisis Group
Despite a good deal of international aid being directed towards Cental Asia in recent years, corruption has eaten away most of it and that has created political instability in the area.  The International Crisis Group provides a detailed .pdf report on the consequences of continued neglect by governments in the region.

Court hears challenge to Voting Rights Act from the Washington Post
Conservative legal activists are challenging the Voting Rights Act, arguing that forcing Southern states, as well as seven others, to justify voting changes to the Justice Department has become outdated.

Politician nominates WikiLeaks for Nobel Peace Prize from CNN
A Norwegian politican has nominated WikiLeaks for the Nobel Peace Prize, claiming that it keeps freedom alive by holding governments around the world accountable for their actions.