Here is your R&D for February 14th:

The Enemies of Good Government from Newsweek (courtesy of RealClearPolitics)
In this op-ed, Newsweek columnist Robert Samuelson discusses why government investment in high speed rail is a poor choice.

China Surges in Americans’ Views of Top World Economy from Gallup
A recent Gallup poll shows that 52% of Americans believe that China is the world’s economic leader.  32% of Americans believe that the United States is the world’s economic leader and only 7% say that for Japan.  Few Americans are confident the U.S. will change the dynamic anytime soon.

Gaddafi tells Palestinians: revolt against Israel from Reuters
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has urged Palestinian refugees to mass at the borders of Israel to force the Israeli government to give into their demands to return to the lands they lost in 1948.  Gaddafi hopes that Palestinians can use the recent uprisings in the Middle East to their advantage.

Report says charter schools need more money and monitoring from the Kansas City Star
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools contends that Missouri’s charter schools are not performing better than their public counterparts because of a lack of funding and poor monitoring.

Egypt presidential hopeful: Peace treaty with Israel is over from Haaretz
Dr. Ayman Nur, a liberal opposition leader in Egypt, has said that if he wins the Egyptian presidency that he will end the country’s peace treaty with Israel.  This contradicts claims by the Egyptian army that they will preserve the peace accord.