This week saw the debut of the first ever Extemp Central news quiz.  Extemp Central hopes that this resources will be of great use toquiz-01 the extemp community and can aid extempers to all ability levels.

A quick recap of the quiz questions:

1. Who was the House member who called Obama a liar during his address to Congress on healthcare?
2. What state was this House member from?
3. What is the name of the Obama czar who had to resign last week?
4. Which European country will hold an election at the end of this month?
5. The U.S. has recently cut forms of aid to this nation after it deposed its president last June…
6. Who is the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee that is pushing a bipartisan health bill?
7. What is the central issue in the Supreme Court case of United v. FEC?
                             a. Prison overcrowding c. Campaign finance restrictions
                             b. Media censorship d. Freedom of religious expression
8. Mexico recently saw a goverment shakeup that led to this official losing his job. What official lost their job?
                             a. Defense minister c. Prime minister
                             b. Attorney general d. Interior minister
9. Which nation announced last week that it will be giving Iran free gasoline?
10. What is the name of Colombia’s rebel group (full name not abbreviation)?

Eager to find out or confirm your answers to the first ever Extemp Central news quiz?  Click “continue reading” to discover them!


1.  Who was the House member who called Obama a liar during his address to Congress on healthcare?  Rep. Joe Wilson (R)

2.  What state was this House member from?  South Carolina

3.  What is the name of the Obama czar who had to resign last week?  Van Jones (Jones was a “special advisor” for green jobs)

4.  Which European country will hold an election at the end of this month?  Germany (they will hold it on September 27th)

5.  The U.S. has recently cut forms of aid to this nation after it deposed its president last June…  Honduras

6.  Who is the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee that is pushing a bipartisan health bill?  Senator Max Baucus (Democrat-Montana)

7.  What is the central issue in the Supreme Court case of United v. FEC?
                             a. Prison overcrowding c. Campaign finance restrictions
                             b. Media censorship        d. Freedom of religious expression
Note:  This case involves the controversial film Citizens United sought to air about Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary.  This case has major political and free speech implications.

8.  Mexico recently saw a goverment shakeup that led to this official losing his job. What official lost their job?
                             a. Defense minister  c. Prime minister
                             b. Attorney general d. Interior minister
Note:  Eduardo Medina Mora was removed by President Felipe Calderon on September 7th.

9.  Which nation announced last week that it will be giving Iran free gasoline?  Venezuela

10.  What is the name of Colombia’s rebel group (full name not abbreviation)?  The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a Marxist insurgent group founded in 1964