Site Updates!

The NFL qualifiers section has been updated. I currently need a listing of state champions for the 2009 year, so if you have that information please send it to me so I can update the state champions page.

Also, the TOC/CFL edition of the Ex Files will be released early this week (Monday or Tuesday). It will have a discussion of canned intros, an interview with TOC co-tournament director Michael Garson, and a topic area breakdown for CFL.


Extemp Questions for the Week of May 6th-May 12th, 2009


Can Do and Don’ts: A Discussion of Canned Intros in Extemp

1 Comment

  1. illinoisextemperboy

    For State Champions, The state Champ for Illinois was Jessica Petrie (Belleville West HS). For NFL…. Greater Illinois District Qualifiers were:
    Domestic Extemp:
    Jessica Petrie (Belleville West HS)
    Paige Prehoda (Heyworth HS)
    Matt Dobill (Normal Community West HS)
    There was one other International qualifier, but I cannot recall her name.

    Hope this Helps!

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