Although we stay away from endorsing any political viewpoints here on Extemp Central, there is one race that is happening in a few months that I thought I would do some brief advertising for. The head forensic coach at my high school in Danville, Kentucky, Steve Meadows, is running for a seat on the NFL Board of Directors (formerly known as the National Council). While students do not get a ballot for this race, any coaches that visit this website might be interested in the credentials that Mr. Meadows brings to the table. Here are a few of them:

* He’s a three diamond coach and has coached for 19 years.
* Has served as Kentucky’s District chair for 13 terms.
* He serves on the Praxis (National Teacher Exam) Standing Committee for Speech Education.
* Founded Kentucky’s state speech teachers’ group, SPEAK.
* He’s worked in the Speech tabulation room at the national tournament for the past three years.
* Has coached four consecutive state championship teams in Kentucky between 2006 and 2009.
* Has coached four national finalists at NFL in four different events.
* He’s a member of the TOC Student Congress committee.

Since I would not have been able to be a part of forensics if it wasn’t for Steve Meadows (and since this website would not exist by proxy), I would like to encourage any coaches out there with a ballot for the NFL Board of Directors to vote for Steve Meadows in this year’s election. Having competed and coached with Steve, I can easily say that he would be a dedicated representative for the forensics community and that coaches across the nation would be satisfied with the representation that he would provide. So coaches, get out and vote!